Hello world!

I was born August 17, 1956 at Fort Wayne, attended Woodburn Elementary and Woodlan High School.

I managed our family’s natural food store for 40 years.

I first ran for congress in the 80’s. 

The total lack of logic in Washington has caused me to run again. Fiscally I am a conservative but socially I am progressive. I don’t fit with either party. Mostly I am an anti-corporatist. Being against corporations does not mean I am anti-capitalist. It is just my belief that large corporation should not be given so many advantages that newcomers do not have a chance to enter the market. The expansion of accelerated depreciation has allowed large corporate chains to gobble up market share while avoiding taxes. A real blow to main street a real boon to Wall Street. Recent tax cuts have been unfair to the young and blue-collar labor, I have a tax plan that will restore the middle class to where it should be. I also have a plan to force the IRS to focus their efforts more on tax fairness and less on blind compliance. There are logical solutions to all of our problems. Read on. 

Balance the Budget

Step 1-We need to enhance revenues with a realignment of our tax brackets, the elimination of differentiation between investment and regular income and the closing of loopholes.

Step 2 -Get military spending under control. With the current price gouging by military contractors, we are easily losing hundreds of billions of dollars per year to dishonesty. We could save an equal amount by discontinuing programs that are obsolete. There is way too much lobbyist pressure on our legislators to continue obsolete programs for the benefit of the contractors.

Step. 3- Get other domestic spending under control. We have many recognizable problems that need addressing. The lazy members of Congress do not want to do the work in the proper planning and budgeting of these projects. One of the big problems that I see is that Congress will pick a number out of thin air to allocate for addressing a problem. We need to go back to the old way of assessing what projects need to be done, and then allocating the money for them.

Maintain the Full Faith and Credit of The United States

One of the things that has always made the full faith and credit of the United States AAA rated is the incredible natural resources that belong to our federal government.

Politicians are rapidly selling our reserves of non-renewable non-recyclable finite precious resources like helium and petroleum to private industry. The incredible value of these resources is not apparent to most Americans. 

This is permanently transferring all rights and ownership to private corporations, contributors of huge sums to political campaigns. Now you know why there’s a big push for more oil leases, US oil production is already at a record high, without proper Pugh Clauses on these oil leases the rights to the oil and helium are permanently transferred. The venture capitalist, the equity partners and other Wall Street scum, are trying to capture the wealth of America for their own.

Climate Change

We must plan for the next thousand years not the next two four or six years.

Immediate steps should include

·    Add resilience to our energy infrastructure

·    Decentralized electricity production

·    Create micro-grids with decentralized electricity storage

·    Develop hydrogen infrastructure

·    Prioritize and incentivize clean energy projects

·    Eliminate other greenhouse gasses

·    End climate change denial

·    End short sighted cut-rate government

·    End fossil fuel use

·    Develop clean nuclear energy

Petroleum has to be conserved to be used as source material for petrochemicals needed by us now and by future generations. All of our planet’s petroleum will be used up in the next 50 years if we don’t conserve it.

People are the most adaptable species on the planet. Humans can adapt to increased temperatures. The problem is that our food supply relies on a stable climate.

Climate change won’t kill us famine will. Without Change future generations will curse us.

The Problem at our Borders

Border security and immigration are two separate issues. Regarding border security, we need to have more immigration judges to quickly adjudicate asylum cases so people wishing to take advantage of our system are more quickly return to their place of origin.

Comprehensive immigration legislation is needed from our Congress. We need a legal path of immigration for those people wanting to come here and work hard and build a life, with our unemployment rates being at record lows we should be more welcoming. I would not stand in the way of good legislation for political gain.


A Hoosiers right to bear arms comes from the Indiana Constitution. The 2007 Heller decision in which the Supreme Court inferred an individual right to bear arms from the second amendment was in error. This should be corrected and control of firearm should be returned to the states.


It would be nice if healthcare were an actual right, then there would be no argument. But to those that say the government has no place taking on something as big as healthcare, I say, you are so wrong. It is precisely because it is so large that government should orchestrate it.

Modern medicine has led to a monumental increase in human lifespans. Making sure that all of us have excellent medical care, and the longest lifespans possible, is our moral duty outlined as the “Golden Rule” or the parable of the Good Samaritan. Members of Congress are quick to quote our need to “provide for the common defense”, while neglecting the very next concept mentioned in the constitution “promote the general welfare”, it is time to end this oversight.

Millions of Americans have little or no health coverage. Medical debt is the number one reason for personal bankruptcy. Our plethora of expensive and incomplete insurance plans causes financial ruin, preventable disease, and death. Inflated insurance and health care costs place unfair demands on businesses and people.

With Universal Medicare

·    Patients with their doctors make health care decisions

·    Everybody has full choice of health care professionals and facilities

·    All medically necessary care is covered

·    Preventive care is covered

·    Mental health care is covered

·    Everybody is covered

·    Everybody has peace of mind.

·    No loss of coverage because of an employment change

·    No more paperwork nightmares

·    No co-payments, deductibles, or premiums. 

·    No more out of network costs

·    No restrictions on the kind or amount of care allowed

·    No financial rationing.

·    No more medical bankruptcy.

How we save money

We can save more than 30% right off the bat with lower administrative costs.

We can stop misuse of hospital emergency rooms with regular preventative care for additional savings.

We can use the purchasing power of the entire population to negotiate fair prices for services, supplies, and pharmaceuticals giving us even more savings.

With a system that includes our entire population, artificial intelligence can be used to affect much better outcomes at a lower cost saving even more. Total savings of 40% or more.

Other advantages

Businesses can be more competitive against foreign competition when they are no longer burdened with health care costs for employees. 

Universal health care can make it easier to start a new business by eliminating the cost and confusion of obtaining employee health insurance. This would be a monumental help to small businesses. Large corporations would lose some of their ability to keep employees job locked and under-paid.

With private equity’s gutting of our healthcare system smaller communities are losing their health care facilities, we can reverse this trend and keep healthcare available in all areas. We will end the decline in the number of primary care physicians that is occurring because of being insufficiently valued and compensated. In a universal system health care system professionals and facilities negotiate fees and receive prompt payments.

It is abhorrent that so many believe any serious need of the people is an opportunity for profit, it is time to get wall street out of health care procedures and facilities. It’s worth noting that Medicare part C insurers are not reimbursing hospitals for their services in a timely fashion.

My thoughts on Drugs

The war on drugs has been a dismal failure.

The war on drugs is responsible for the formation of Mexican drug cartels.

The war on drugs is responsible for ¼ million fentanyl deaths.

The war on drugs is responsible for nearly ½ million unjust incarcerations. (The United States has less than 5% of the earth’s population, while our prisons hold 25% of the prisoners.)

The war on drugs has raged on for 50 years, it has not worked. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”-Albert Einstein.

Ending the war on drugs would reduce financial harm to addicts

Ending the war on drugs would end unknown dosing and end most accidental overdose deaths

Ending the war on drugs would end the criminal drug market and the chaos it’s caused

Ending the war on drugs would fix our overcrowded prison population problem.

Ending the war on drugs would save us millions of dollars a year in law enforcement and prison expenses.

Legalization and regulation does not mean an open market. Some efforts at change have failed because they tried to eliminate the stigma along with the criminal consequences. Public drug use must be punished the stigma must remain. It is because drugs are risky that they need to be legally regulated each drug according to it’s own risks. 


Most abortions occur for economic reasons. The best way to reduce the desire for these abortions is by extending a vibrant economy and healthcare to everyone. Having free accessible birth control would reduce numbers further. Abortion must be available to protect a mother’s health or to terminate a non-viable pregnancy. Roe v. Wade should be restored.

On Taxes 

 Our tax system has gradually changed, staying favorable to the post WWII baby boom generation, and become unfavorable to younger generations. We have lowered the taxes on investment earnings as we have gotten older and our earning have transitioned to investments. Older invested people are content without realizing why younger generations are not able to achieve the same. Many boomers blame a lack of motivation for the younger generation’s financial anemia, tax laws favoring investors are the real cause of the problem. Graduating HS in 1974 the min wage was equivalent to $12.50 today. Raising the minimum wage to that level would give hope to new wage earners and go a long way in helping social security remain solvent. There can be no wonder why capitalism is not popular with our youth. Taxes favor boomers. Min wages have favored boomers. Education cost favored boomers. Boomers that think the problem is the younger generations need to wake up. By a strange coincidence the low wages for basic labor and low taxes on corporate and investment income is a boon for ultra-wealthy political donors. 

In America’s wealth is derived from capitalism, the 16th amendment authorizes a tax on gains. 

Income regardless of type should be taxed equally, taxes rates should be based on the ability to pay. The IRS practice of choosing the easiest enforcement actions against low-income earners instead of more difficult action against the very wealthy with complicated tax avoidance schemes must end. We must lower incentives on enforcement action against low-income taxpayers and incentivize enforcement of tax law on high income earners. 

My Plan 

Keep the standard deduction $13,850 for single filers, $27,700 for joint or $20,800 for head of household.

Keep the child tax credits. 

Make permanent $20,000 accelerated depreciation. 

Increase the corporate rate to 23%.

23% minimum tax on foreign earnings

49.9% tax on foreign corporation’s U.S. earnings.

End capital gains and qualified dividend special rates.

End unrealized capital gains loophole for the ultra-wealthy.

Fix the dynasty trust loophole.

Exempt inflationary gains on primary residence.

Exempt multi-state lottery winnings from federal income tax

I am proposing the following tax rates.    


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